"I Just Wanted to Pet the Kitty," 2025. Pemberton, Phoenix, AZ
"She's An Icon," 2025. Pemberton, Phoenix, AZ
"Giving Flowers," 2025. Phoenix, AZ
"Do Your Best," 2024. Madison Middle School, Miami, FL
"Untitled," 2024. Plaza Walls, Oklahoma City, OK
"My Mona Lisa," 2024. Oak Street Alley, Phoenix, AZ
"Flowers," 2024. Phoenix, AZ
"My Own Destruction," 2024. Paper Heart Building, Phoenix, AZ
"Untitled," 2024. Phoenix, AZ
"Just Let Your Soul Glo," 2024. Grand ArtHaus, Phoenix, AZ
"Molly, You're In Danger Girl," 2024. Phoenix, AZ
"The Fellowship of the Cats," 2024. Phoenix, AZ
"Thank You For Your Service," 2023. Goodyear, AZ
"We Are the Crystal Gems," 2023, Paper Heart Building, Phoenix, AZ
"Flower Woman," 2023. Oak Street, Phoenix, AZ
"Kawaii Cat," 2023. Danelle Plaza Project, Tempe, AZ
"Fly Like a Bird," 2023. June Jam, Flagstaff, AZ
"Where is My Mind," 2023. Budsapalooza, Phoenix, AZ
"Bubblegum Cat," 2023. Phoenix, AZ
"Post-It Note Cat Woman," 2023. Oak Street Alley, Phoenix, AZ
"Post-It Note Cat Woman," 2023. Oak Street Alley, Phoenix, AZ
"Cool Cat," 2023. Phoenix, AZ
"The May Queen," 2022. Phoenix, AZ